Quyang Aongking » SHOP PAGE » Holiday parks water feature interesting life-size elephant statue

Holiday parks water feature interesting life-size elephant statue

Size: Customized
Material: Bronze
Technology: ′Lost Wax′ Casting
Surface: Patina
Package: Wooden Batten box
Suitable: Garden, Home Decor, Outdoor

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The interesting bronze life-size elephant statue at holiday parks features an innovative water feature where the elephant’s trunk sprays water. This is achieved through a cleverly concealed water pump system installed within the statue. The water is drawn from a hidden reservoir or pond, pumped up through the elephant’s trunk, and sprayed out in a controlled pattern. The water then falls back into the reservoir, creating a continuous circulation. This closed-loop system ensures that water is reused efficiently, maintaining a constant flow while minimizing water waste. The entire mechanism is discreetly hidden to maintain the life-size elephant statue’s aesthetic appeal.

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